I cried on my birthday.
Why ?
Why ?
Because when I was busy making coffee,
my daughter was busy washing Barbie's hair.
my daughter was busy washing Barbie's hair.

I asked her Why?
"Because it's your birthday and I want her to look pretty".
{sniffle }
She could hardly contain herself as she said she had lots of presents for me and that she wrapped them all herself. 

She was right !
11 presents and 12 tulips.
That's lots and lots of presents and flowers !
My boys are really sick with the flu, but one of them felt 'well' enough to come downstairs with a gift for me.
My boys are LEGO fanatics. They have bins and bins full of legos. They create the most amazing original Lego Creations ever.
This is what he made.

{Go ahead, hand me a tissue would ya ?}
A replica of my kitchen.
He knows how much time I spend in this kitchen and he knows my love of cooking. He even made sure my 'nick knack' shelf was there ( left side ).
And he knows it's my dream to have wood floors in my kitchen one day... so he said..."Mom, I even gave you wood floors."
Let me tell you... I cried like a baby.
These lego floors are the only floors I will ever need. Thank you God, for blessing me with a child so loving and thoughtful. I will never want for anything more than the love of my children.
{I feel like Julia Child. Yes I do.}
Oh ! And speaking of Julia and cooking... I made a pie for my birthday by default ! I was actually searching for my cake recipe and couldn't find it, and this happened to be on top, and I only had 30 seconds before I had to leave for the grocery... soooo
I made THE PIE that won $1 MILLION dollars in the 2004 Pillsbury Bake off created by Suzanne Conrad .
Can you imagine ?? $1 million dollars ! Um...I still wouldn't trade it for my Lego Kitchen or 11 presents and 12 tulips.
But boy howdy, it was GOOD !! And I'm not even a pie girl !
It was still amazing the next day, so if I make this for a party, I will go ahead and make it the day before because I hate rushing around when I expect company.
Oh...and another thing.
I used a deep dish pie dish with this...but I'll use a regular pyrex pie dish next time because the filling didn't go to the tippy top.
Created by Suzanne Conrad
Million Dollar Oats 'n Honey Granola Pie
1 refrigerated Pillsbury® pie crust (from 15-ounce box), softened as directed on box Filling
1/2 cup butter or margarine
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
3/4 cup corn syrup
1/8 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla
3 eggs , lightly beaten
4 Nature Valley® Oats 'n Honey crunchy granola bars (2 pouches) crushed. To easily crush granola bars, do not unwrap. Use rolling pin to crush bars.
1/2 cup chopped walnuts *(I did NOT add, just because my family is not crazy about nuts in desserts)
1/4 cup quick-cooking or old-fashioned oats
1/4 cup chocolate chips
Whipped cream or ice cream , if desired
1/4 cup chocolate chips
Whipped cream or ice cream , if desired
Heat oven to 350°F.
Place pie crust in 9-inch glass pie pan as directed on box for One-Crust Filled Pie.In large microwavable bowl, microwave butter on high 50 to 60 seconds or until melted.
Stir in brown sugar and corn syrup until blended. Beat in salt, vanilla and eggs.Stir crushed granola bars, walnuts, oats and chocolate chips into brown sugar mixture. Pour into crust-lined pan.

Bake 40 to 50 minutes or until filling is set and crust is golden brown.
During last 15 to 20 minutes of baking, cover crust edge with strips of foil or pie shield to prevent excessive browning.
Cool at least 30 minutes before serving.
Serve warm, at room temperature, or chilled with whipped cream or ice cream.
Store in refrigerator.
{Participating in Tuesdays at the table & Tasty Tuesday & it's DIY day over at a soft place to land }
It is my birthday today too.....and my kids can still make me cry happy tears. BUT they are all grown up and now I have a grandbaby to look forward too.
How precious children are, and how blessed we are to have them to hold close and love. Happy birthday new blog friend. Hope your day is the BEST. XXX Annie
I love your wood floors~ and barbie get a hair wash wow! such a sweet post, kids are amazing and such a gift. happy birthday,
Your kids are seriously wonderful! I got a little bit of the sniffles too, just reading about it. Happy birthday, you are blessed indeed!
Happy Happy Birthday - I couldn't imagine a sweeter day, especially from your sweet kiddos to YOU!
What a DELISH pie, too - MMMM, yes please! Will make that this fall!
Happy Birthday to you! Sounds like you had a great day. I still cry on my birthday etc etc. That pie sounds pretty good. Good to have you for a Blog pal; you know I'm new at this thing.
Your children are so sweet!! Happy Birthday - sounds as if all you wishes came true :)
So nice to hear you had a great day full of happy tears!
Sweet post -- happy birthday! Your kids are amazing. So nice that Barbie got all pretty for you and those wood floors -- so sweet!
Oh your post made my day. It's so amazing what little ones will come up with. Remember to write things down for them to look at when their all grown up will bless you both. I still had a letter that my DD wrote her dad the 1st time she put a dent in her 1st car. Found it when looking for pics. for her wedding. We all cried and laugh over that little note written my a 16 yr. girl to her dad.Priceless.
Such sweetness on your birthday!! The pie looks excellent!!
Happy belated B-day! Your kids sound amazing :) Those are some wonderful gifts.
Excellent blog, btw :)
You have the sweetest kids!
The recipe looks delicious, thanks for sharing with TATT!
oh wow - that was the sweetest birthday EVER!! Seriously, forget the million dollar pie...how thoughtful.
Thanks for linking to Tasty Tuesday.
What a fabulous birthday ~ who could ask for more? Your kitchen is lovely. The tulips and gifts are beautiful and to top it all off a million dollar pie. Hope you had the best birthday ever!
The pie sure looks good but that lego kitchen is amazing! Sounds like you have some wonderful children! Happy belated birthday!
The lego kitchen trumps the pie FOR SURE.
that looks sooooo good!
Your kids made me cry!!! You must be a great mom to have such thoughtful children!
Happy birthday!
Your kids are so sweet! I thought the LEGO kitchen was so cute. That pie looks delicious, I'll have to try that one.
I wonder how this would taste with Nature's Valley peanutbutter bars... yumm....
Happy birthday!!
Happy birthday! I love that lego kitchen, it's SO thoughtful. What sweet kids :)
Wow--whoever invented that deserves 1 mil! I love those granola bars alone so I know I will love this pie. Thanks for sharing!
Sounds like an amazing recipe. I've got to go try.
You must have had the BEST birthday EVER!! Great post-thanks for sharing!
I am late but happy birthday! I love your pie... it sounds so delicious!
What sweet thoughtful gifts! And Barbie - she just always wants to make her friends happy. That Million dollar pie - looks like a pecan pie, just made with granola bars, with chocolate chips thrown in? Yum!
We have the same birthday! Sounds like your kids are super sweet and the pie looks delish!
This looks yummy. Maybe a good alternate for Thanksgiving this year.
K..I dont know you and I dont know your children, however when I read your story..I actually had tears running down my face! I suppose it is the mom in me!
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what sweeet, sweet kids!!! that is adorable!!!
Happy Birthday! the recipe looks...fabulous!!! catherine
I know that this was an old post but I had to comment. I was one of the four finalists at that Pillsbury Bake Off and Susan's pie beat my recipe for the $1 million dollar prize. I've never made it but maybe I will after your endorsement. Great blog!
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